
Each GCSP should have an institutionally tailored mechanism that thematically draws together the engineering curricular components of each student’s course of study.–NAE

Learning Objectives

The three Interdisciplinarity core learning objectives emphasize the ability to analyze and synthesize contributions from multiple disciplines to solve complex problems.

  • Identify the different disciplines that contribute to the solution of a complex problem.
  • Describe and identify strategies for creating common ground between different disciplinary perspectives.
  • Describe and apply bridging strategies that facilitate the conscious integration of different disciplines.

Pre-approved options for completing experience requirement:



  • Completion of a
    • Minor in a related area with clear alignment to the student’s GC focus area.
    • Two-course sequence emphasizing the scholarship of interdisciplinarity (e.g., INDS 330/INDS 430).
    • Significant interdisciplinary internship.
  • Two-course capstone design sequence with a GC-related focus, working on an interdisciplinarity team (e.g., ENCH 444/446; CMPE 450/451).
  • Immersive off-campus project experience course during winter or summer session, working in an interdisciplinarity team (under development).
  • Global Studies or INDS major related to the student’s GC focus area.


  • Completion of
    • Shorter interdisciplinary internship.
    • Course that emphasizes the scholarship of interdisciplinarity (e.g., INDS 330/INDS 430) with a project related to the student’s GC focus area.
    • Introductory CS or Engineering course (for Interdisciplinarity Grand Challenge Scholars).
  • Participation in the freshman Honors Forum course with a Grand Challenges theme focus (requires students to work in interdisciplinarity teams to complete an investigation related to one of the Grand Challenges).


  • Completion of
    • Course in an area outside the student’s major with clear alignment to the student’s GC focus area.
    • 1-credit INDS seminar on challenges and strategies for interdisciplinarity scholarship (under development).
  • Attendance at 15 or more hours of research seminars and colloquia in multiple disciplines, with accompanying reflection on topics and relevance to the student’s GC focus area.