
Each GC scholar must participate in a curricular or meta-curricular component on the process of translating invention and innovation into market ventures.–NAE


Learning Objectives

The Entrepreneurship learning objectives are drawn from our assessments of existing entrepreneurship coursework and activities at UMBC. In addition to these four core learning objectives, students will select a single personalized learning objective.

  • Develop strategies for recognizing opportunities and identifying the tools for quality risk assessment.
  • Exhibit skills for communicating ideas in a concise and logical way.
  • Work effectively in teams focused on entrepreneurship-related projects.
  • Apply entrepreneurial thinking to social issues and social problems.

Pre-approved options for completing experience requirement



  • Completion of
    • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor, including an ENTR 300 internship experience that is connected to the student’s GC focus area.
    • Entrepreneurship-related internship (e.g., at a startup, in conjunction with UMBC’s Entrepreneurs in Residence program at the BWTech incubators, or in an established company’s innovative ventures division).
  • Founding or significant contributions to the launch phase of a startup company, new organization, or significant campus initiative.
  • Submission of an invention disclosure related to the student’s GC focus area that builds on their GC-related research and project activity.
  • Participation in multiple entrepreneurship competitions (e.g., the Idea Competition and the Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition).


  • Completion of
    • Shorter entrepreneurship-related internship in the student’s GC focus area.
    • Project-based entrepreneurship course (e.g., ENTR 200 (Introduction to Entrepreneurship) or AMST/POLI/SOCY 205 (Civic Agency and Social Entrepreneurship)).
    • IS 498 (3D Printing for Entrepreneurship) with a client project in the student’s GC focus area.
  • Participation in an entrepreneurship competition such as UMBC ProveIt (an annual competition for student ideas about campus change).


  • Completion of a course with entrepreneurial content (approved as an elective for the ENTR minor) in the student’s discipline or a discipline related to the student’s GC focus area.
  • Attendance at 15 or more hours of entrepreneurship presentations and colloquia, with accompanying reflection on topics and relevance to the student’s GC focus area.